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Coding, programming, and computer analytics don’t seem like very sexy careers. Having Applications Software Developer etched in the nameplate on your desk? Perhaps even less so. But did you know that developers and programmers are among the highest paid members of the workforce, right out of college?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, demand for jobs in STEM fields are expected to rise as much as 25% in the next 5 years. How do kids and young students, equipped with one-in-a-million aspirations of rock stardom and Hollywood, embrace a profession with great growth rates and quite a bit higher than average income?

To solve this problem, I started CodeDay Philly For 24 hours we invite students ranging from middle school through college level, of all experience levels, whether you don’t know anything about programming or you’ve been doing it for several years, to just come, build something cool, whether it’s a game or an app, to meet other programmers in the area and network across the country.


Since the first event in Spring 2014, CodeDay has had a great impact on the Philadelphia community:


Students reached


Amazing projects


Hours of workshops

Low Cost, High Return

CodeDay Philly inspire students with no prior interest in coding. After attending an event, 80% of these students are still pursuing coding three months later. These events cost less than $30 per student or run.

Commitment to Diversity

Overall, 43% of our participants are girls, 38% are from Title I schools, and 21% are from a under-represented ethnic group. At our fall 2017 event, over 60% of our participants identified as female.



I worked on some marketing material for CodeDay designed to be shared and re-shared on social media. Here’s what it looks like:

Announcement Reminder Promotion Sponsor

About Melody

Photo of Melody!

Melody is a web developer, designer, and community event organizer based in Philly. You can find them on Twitter at @pixelyunicorn .

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I do a lot of things: I write, draw, code, stream, and also drink a lot of tea. I would love to keep doing what I love to do, but these things take time in energy. That's where you come in. By supporting what I do, I have less to worry about so I can go back to doing what I love 💖

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